Tuesday 21 June 2011

It was wonderful to see one of Daniel Widrigs sculptures in real life at the New brewery arts exhibition this Easter.

His website is one of my MASSIVE inspirations, with truly stunning architectural designs. the seem to reflect natural forms and structures. And his constant revival of new designs is just ongoing! http://www.danielwidrig.com/
When i found this image the question was on the Website
Is this just fashion or art?
this is a massive quandary when displaying my own work, I seem to represent both wearable, and displayable pieces. a buyer said to me today that she will wear at special occasions, but display it as art when she is not using it. I love the versatility that textiles has both to hold the respect of art, and both be cutting edge as a fashion pieces. truly solving the crisis of our throw away society, of giving fashion and jewelry the same respect as actual art forms.

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